What is the cost?
Many facilities do not quantify the cost of outages or sags in a facility.
It is written off as “downtime”, or “re-start” procedure.
These issues cause real production deficits. The effects that fluctuating voltages have on components in the long term create parts replacement, higher maintenance cost, and the exposure to downtime and restart situations.
See Current Power Outages in the U.S at Power Outage Tracker
Power Outage Correction Benefits
- Reduce/ Eliminate voltage/amperage fluctuation events wearing all computer components
- Reduce/ Eliminate voltage/amperage fluctuation events wearing all drives, PLC’s, and control equipment
- Lower Maintenance and replacement parts cost
- Lower Peak Demand from Utility Provider (Keep in line kW vs. kVA ratio)
- Create more electrical distribution capacity in your power distribution system
A facility will not always recognize all of the costs associated with outages.
It is worth the while to research this and figure out what a power correction system can do for your facility. While correcting power at your facility you can also stabilize your power internally to your facility and create many additional benefits along the way.
Have an ICP site survey done to survey your facility and install a power metering device.
When you install equipment that will correct power and hold voltage within your facility, you will be providing your facility with protection against all outside influences of power. Halting wear and tear on other equipment in the facility by having stable voltage and power factor is the goal. The long term positives are lowered operations and maintenance costs by limiting voltage and amperage anomalies inside the facility. It is common to vet these issues by installing a monitoring device at the service entrance of the facility utility power. This is a low-cost method to really understand these issues and to make a proper diagnosis.
We are available to review electrical one-lines, Power Reports, Demand Usage, and any other data on your facility power.
Call your ICP Technical Representative today to discuss options to increase efficiency in your facility and correct our facility power issues!